Direction on where to find current information on policies, industry guidance and over-arching legislation
Welcome to the guidance section of the Knowledge Hub. On this page you will find links to the primary sources of guidance that inform the approach to Civil Protection across the UK including:
Links to the British Standards Institute (BSI) website from where you will be able to source copies of British and international Standards that underpin the UK’s approach to civil protection, crisis and incident management.
(We have detailed the approach to standards the EPC takes towards the bottom of the page)
British Standards
Our approach to Crisis Management is underpinned by British Standard 11200:2019 "Crisis Management". Likewise British Standard 65,000 'Organizational Resilience: Code of Practice' defines best practice for developing the resilience of responder and other organisations. Both of these standards are available for purchase from BSI (link above).
International Standards
The EPC draws on the following international standards for its work in the UK and beyond:
These standards are available from the International Standards Organisation website (link above).
National Resilience Standards
The Cabinet Office has published a series of individual standards which aim to support local resilience groupings (EPGs, LRFs and RPs) consistently identify good and leading practice, help self-assure their capabilities and overall level of readiness.
Details of the published standards can be found at National Resilience Standards for Local Resilience Forums (LRFs)- link above.
In a multi-agency world, it's essential that resilience terminology is applied accurately using agreed standards so that all are clear on what is being said. The primary lexicon for the UK resilience community is the UK Civil Protection Lexicon, Draft Version 3.0 dated October 2018 which can be found on Resilience Direct.
Also used by EPC: