This is an exercise in which participants are given specific roles to perform, either as individuals or groups, which reflect the composition of at least part of a response team.
They are usually presented with a scenario that develops over time and often tend to become more challenging and complex as the exercise progresses. They receive phased injects that represent this evolving series of events, giving them incidents and problems to respond to and decisions to make.
Such exercises are normally held in a meeting room. Injects (simulating events or occurrences that the team responds to) can be presented in a number of ways, including paper hand-out, e-mail, by telephone and simulated media. Group behaviour is observed and the outputs evaluated, with evidence of performance against the exercise objectives captured and reported as usual.
This is designed to give the customer a more developed overview of their incident and crisis management capability. This will be consistent with the time available and the price. It will not be an in-depth analysis. It will answer these questions:
We will also provide a short, post-exercise report that will give a professionally-informed answer to these four questions, on the basis of what was observed in the activity. It will also identify areas for development.
We will deliver a 4-hour intervention, comprising:
We will produce a post-exercise report, covering key learning points and observations, with recommendations.
What Do You Get?
If your organisation would benefit from an EPC exercise, whatever the scale of requirement, please get in touch with us today.